Sunday, January 18, 2009

The "A" Factor

2009 - 1950 = 40
2009 - 1959 = 40
It is time to re-write the maths rules...if not globally, atleast in India...
An ad of a leading optical brand, shows our Ms. Shabana Azmi and Mr. Krish Srikant...the ad copy says, "chasing headlines when you are 40"...or some such stuff..
Shabana, born in 1950 and Krish born in 1959 are the 40 somethings...that makes the Khans 30 somethings...our dear Sachin at 20 somethings (i would not mind that)..and deepika padukoe in class 4...

What is it with the age factor that is rewriting the maths rules....

cant fathom...

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