Sunday, January 18, 2009

Grow up guys...

An Ad that cannot miss your attention, as you proceed for security at Delhi airport...
An Ad of the world's largest cola proudly says "we employ 80 people who cannot speak"...
Alright, a noble act...but does a global giant need to tom-tom this....shows how much the global giant has understood the Indian culture...A culture that is deep rooted in the philosophy and practice of 'what your right hand gives, the left hand need not know"...
80 people cost on the India's top line is a decimal number, that computers will struggle to calculate..
There are tons and tons of entrepreneurs who are doing their bit without claiming PR mileage, (Suresh Kamath of Laser Soft , actually has a policy of 15% reserved for disabled, and makes no noise about)..
Grow up doubt it is a noble becomes nobler, if you make no claims....

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