Sunday, January 18, 2009

(B)Rightly Lit?

Last night, driving through a fancy part of South Delhi, my eyes were dazzle-drawn by a state-of-the-art, brighly-lit bus stop. Hmm, looks impressive! was my instant thought that lasted just few seconds.

The part that caught my unfavourable attention were the metal frames there, that were probably the slots meant for back-lit ads. Each such metal frame was 'ready' with five or six full-length tubelights, all glowing to catch attention of prospective customer. Like a beautiful girl standing on the roadside, grinning wide at the passersby, to catch their attention and prospective business. I'd prefer to see the second scene, since it costs no precious electricity.

Let's get environment friendly - do they really mean it , when the government campaigns for saving energy, appealing to public at large to adopt ways at home, but cannot think how they themselves could walk the talk.

Several times, I have been to big hotels where thousands of conventional bulbs (the old fashioned ones) glow day and night. There is no body to lay down obvious rules or inspect them on such simple measures to save energy, which is a national resource too.

Just that somebody can afford it, is no reason to over-consume it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmm quiet true, but nothing compared to the environment disaster path that our developed nations are on. Talking about London for instance, although all the high street stores and offices close down 5 minutes before the clock strikes 6 in the evening, but all of the stores remain brightly lit to its full capacity all night, with not a single earthly being to witness them.